What does this data mean to us? For a start, more and more people who access the Internet will do so from an iPad or another tablet. So if you have an online presence, it would be a good idea to adjust the interface of your site to be tablet friendly. Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com, has realized this and have added a feature that will optimize its 18 million blogs for tablet viewing. So for those of you with a self-hosted WordPress, there’s an app a plugin for that.
Touch, Swipe, Rotate & More
To bring this feature to realization, Automattic worked with Onswipe – a company which specializes in tablet (and other touch-enabled device) publishing.WordPress.com users don’t have to do anything as the feature is already added to their blogs. On the other hand, self-hosted users will need to install the Onswipe plugin before they can make their blog iPad friendly.
The plugin will add the ability to:
- automatically adjust the content layout according to how the reader holds their device.
- give the reader an easy way to save the blog to their device’s home screen.
- show a customized loading screen while the blog is loading.
- create a beautiful magazine-like cover from the latest article.
- easily share the content via Facebook, Twitter and email.
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